Why you should Organize your Keywords

Some people live to organize and we see all sorts of advantages in organizing everything in our lives. If you?re in that category, you probably have already convinced yourself that organizing your keywords is important, but what about the rest of us? We need convincing. Some search programs contain hundreds of thousands?even millions of keywords?and..

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81% of Paid Ads do not have a Corresponding Organic Listing

Hopefully that headline got your attention!?? Yes, you did read it correctly – Google’s research shows that 81% of the time the paid search advertiser does not have a corresponding organic ranking.? So the opportunity of 1 + 1 = 3 actually rarely happens.?? I believe this is primarily due to many companies not being..

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Should you Buy Brand Terms When your Rank #1?

So you have a #1 ranking brand term should you also buy it in paid search?? I recently wrote the article about the 81% of all paid ads that don’t have an accompanying orgnaic listing.? That was a byproduct stat from teh main purpose of the research which was to reassure advertisers that running paid..

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