Simple Case for Paid and Organic Search Co-Optimization

PPC and SEO Co-Optimization From our research, only 2 out of 100 companies monitor or measure the interaction between their paid and organic search marketing campaigns. Those teams who analyzed regularly indicated they received between 50% and 100% improvement in their overall search performance.  It is essential to understand that this is not a paid..

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Does the Cost of Not Ranking get your CFO’s Attention?

One of my biggest frustrations is the apparent lack of interest in Search Marketing, specifically SEO, from senior management. For many companies, visits from search engines drive the vast majority of the traffic to their sites. While it is easy to say they don’t care, I believe in many cases, they just are not aware..

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Ensure Critical Keyword Coverage

Recently I did a quick keyword opportunity analysis for a mid-sized B2B company that wanted to find ways to get more out of their search programs.? I am still surprised after numerous presentations and articles I continue to find this dysfunction.? Nearly four years ago I wrote about one of the most dysfunctional keyword programs..

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81% of Paid Ads do not have a Corresponding Organic Listing

Hopefully that headline got your attention!?? Yes, you did read it correctly – Google’s research shows that 81% of the time the paid search advertiser does not have a corresponding organic ranking.? So the opportunity of 1 + 1 = 3 actually rarely happens.?? I believe this is primarily due to many companies not being..

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How do your Expensive PPC Keywords Perform in SEO?

One of the biggest issues I keep encountering as I demo our Keyword Management Tool is the aversion by many PPC managers to Co-Optimization. Yesterday I posted this new post on “Realizing Paid and Organic Search Strategies” and suggested that there are specific cost reductions that can be had when you can transfer expensive PPC..

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Realizing Paid and Organic Search Synergies

For a number of years I have been evangelizing the benefits of integrating your paid and organic activities.?? It does not matter if it is via a single agency or multiple agencies as long as you do have a unified strategy.? The following are 8 key reasons why you should have paid and organic in..

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Are You Still Treating SEO and PPC Keyword Research as Silos?

Large companies do something that small companies often can?t do?they specialize. But those specialties can sometimes work against them, because they attack problems in such separate ways that they never find the advantages that accrue from working together. SEO and PPC are often handled by different teams in large enterprises, which makes sense in some..

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89% Uplift from Paid Search Clicks

The above is the headline of a nice shinny object that Google is dangling in front of marketers. One that is being used out of context and I am sure has resulted in significant money being pissed away in paid search. Now, I am not against paid search in any way – I think it..

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