HREFLang Management Solutions
Save time and resources leveraging our award-winning complete HREFLang Management solution across all markets to increase local market sales.

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Global Web Effectiveness Audits
Global Web Effectiveness is a crucial aspect of your digital transformation journey.  We can build or audit your current roadmap for the various facets of global website management and governance, a key component of your overall digital transformation efforts.


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Global Domain Strategy
Formalize your domain strategy to enable scalable technical infrastructure that will allow global expansion and revenue growth.

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Increase Global Sales

Back Azimuth’s Global Market Expansion Solutions.
1. Opportunity Analysis

Identify new markets and missed opportunities in existing markets to increase sales.

3. Hreflang Management

Ensuring pages are showing in the correct market to reduce cart abandonment.

2. Global IT Infrastructure

Develop strategies to scale IT infrastructure to capture more global sales.

4. Centers of Excellence

Develop a Center of Excellence to oversee global best practices and ensure collaboration.