Website Transformation Performance Preservation Solution

We offer a full-service solution collaborating with companies to preserve the current performance and maximize gains from major infrastructure shifts, including changes to domain names, platforms, creative or technology refreshes, and consolidation of or changes in content.

Business Challenge

Substantial changes during a website transformation can affect its performance positively or negatively if not managed correctly. These transformations are often done to satisfy a specific objective without a detailed lens into the individual contribution of content and URLs, resulting in significant downtime or catastrophic traffic declines that materially impact the business. 

  1. Website transformations that do not integrate Architecture, Content, SEO, UX, and Analytics best practices into the new environment may create negative experiences for these elements once deployed. 
  2. Website transformations that do not effectively redirect prior assets to alternate assets may lose all of the accumulated value of these assets, resulting in a significant performance decline.

Business Opportunity

To make available a combination of methodology and technology that enables data-driven decisions about the various assets then ensure those of value are correctly actioned throughout the transformation lifecycle to ensure this value is successfully transitioned and enhanced.  By using data from multiple sources, we can better understand each asset’s true contribution value and potential negative impact if it is not managed correctly. 

Phase 1 – Align Teams, Objectives and Outcomes

In 100% of the cases of web migrations, acquisitions, and divestitures that have not been performed after implementation were due to a lack of prior planning and collaboration.  Often, aesthetics, brand, gimmicks, and sexy features dominate the transformation without regard for how the site(s) generated leads and revenue before the activity.  It is critical, especially at the global level, that teams align and clearly understand their roles in the transformation project and how they are all integral to its success now and into the future.

Phase 2 – Asset Collection (URLs/Images) and Calculate Contribution Value

During this phase, all available assets (URLs, Images, and PDFs) are cataloged and given a “Value Contribution Score.” The Value Contribution Score is a weighted value score used to ensure all assets with the highest value are migrated and/or considered if significant changes are made to them. All aggregated data points are related to their individual and aggregate contribution value to the site goals.  Too often, critical assets are removed, or insufficient time is allocated to adapt them or maintain their performance or transformation.  By clearly identifying high-value assets and enforcing preservation, business owners can mitigate most of the performance loss. 

Phase 3 – Current Site and Asset Defects and Mitigation

During this phase, all current website, asset, methodology, and process defects are identified, and a corrective action plan is developed to remediate them before the transformation.  If the website is not optimized for mobile devices, speed, localization, or SEO, those elements must be implemented during this time.  It is almost unfathomable that known defects are not fixed, and processes change during a transformation.  The most common are infrastructure changes that are inconsistent across markets or individual market functionality that is not adapted to all markets despite being implemented.  Using bug reports, client and team feature requests, and various diagnostic programs to identify performance challenges that must be corrected in the new build.

Phase 4 – Asset Action

During this phase, the team and client will determine the expected action of the asset (Keep, Redirect, Consolidate, Sunset/Delete). Based on the decision, the expected asset and URL will be noted.  The following are simple definitions of the action, which may change based on the type of transformation.  The team may add additional classifications as needed, but these are the most common, and each decision requires a specific action.  In our experience, this is another critical point of failure.  Any asset that has a high contribution value must be managed accordingly.  We worked with a multinational that acquired a competitor with no plan on how they would maintain the current performance of that company.  We built a model that indicated this would impact $30 to 50 million dollars in lost lead revenue in the first quarter alone.  By developing a plan for integrating the content, we maintained the lead flow and grew it.  We have seen similar loss potential with divestitures when the previous owner fails to migrate and redirect the assets as they transfer over correctly.  

Phase 5 – Post-Transformation Monitoring and Validating Asset Migration 

During this phase, we are simply testing the decisions made in the previous phase to ensure that those assets are managed and actioned as planned. The largest point of failure occurs with web pages and high-value content. Even in the best-planned transformation deadlines, lack of resources and budgets and frustration lead to a great number of assets dropping through the cracks and losing significant opportunities.   We monitor the asset transfer to ensure that it happens as planned.  This validation process is done immediately after the site is stable and at transformation +5 and +30 days after migration.  Our team will review any errors and collaborate with the DevOps and other teams to resolve any errors and, if necessary, develop a severity/business case to justify the technology resources for any recommended changes.

Benefits of Website Tranformation Performance Preservation

In our experience with decentralized brands or multiple brands, deployments are often haphazardly managed, with emphasis on larger markets and business units. 

Ensure Correct Implementation: 

By using a centrally managed program, you can ensure uniform monitoring of the assets and their reimplementation progress. The validation process across markets can quickly identify major defects impacting performance and revenue, enabling rapid corrective action.

Enable Brand and Market Teams Focus:

Often local markets and brands do not have the resources or access to the CMS to monitor and ensure their assets are integrated and migrated correctly. By understanding the contribution value of each asset in each market we can understand both the value of the asset locally as well as globally.  Too often, decisions are made in a dominant market that negatively impacts multiple smaller markets.  Often, the technology or content requests from local market agencies for updates, but due to the lack of communication or central organization, these are often not actioned.