
Incremental SEO Revenue in 60 days


Savings in PPC Click costs in 40 days

$2.5 Million

Total Increased revenue in first 90 days


Mine the keywords used to search on the client?s site to identify any opportunities to increases sales and customer
Imported over 8 million search queries from the previous years data.


22% questions w/revenue opportunities
600 new pieces of content developed ?
$6.8 Million Incremental Revenue (+$2.3m)
Top question types added to social mining Social Media team

Features Used

Data Importer
Used DataPrizm’s Data Import function to import over 8 million individual site search queries which is impossible using Excel.? Once imported we were able to classify and manage the search query data more effectively.
Text Segmenter
Using the Text Segmentation function in DataPrizm we were able to classify the majority of phrases into logical groups.? Once in clusters we can then understand the missed opportunity for each.
Rank Checker/PLP Monitor
Using the Rank Checking function we were able to adapt the two site search reports to simulate exposure.? The “No Results” report worked like a no rank report telling us which phrases did not return any result.? The second site search report of “Ranked not Clicked” was used to simulate a PLP report where the page we expected to rank was not ranking.