Why you should Organize your Keywords

Some people live to organize and we see all sorts of advantages in organizing everything in our lives. If you?re in that category, you probably have already convinced yourself that organizing your keywords is important, but what about the rest of us? We need convincing. Some search programs contain hundreds of thousands?even millions of keywords?and..

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Should you have a Keyword Czar?

Keywords are the lifeblood of any search program.?? The more we process data in our application the more I believe companies should spend far more time than they do analyzing them. ??I have talked about the chaos of the data, the different numbers between paid and organic and the need for better segmentation and opportunity..

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Do you need a Keyword Arbitration Strategy?

One interesting challenge we encounter once we load a company?s data into the Keyword Management Suite is the fights over keywords that begin as the different business units learn others are using their words or ranking for their terms.? In many cases they have been competing for the same keywords for a long time but..

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5 Reasons Search Keyword Data is a Mess

This post should go on my personal site since it is more of a rant than an educational post. Over the past few weeks we have ran number of pilots with the keyword management tool. During this process I have had my believe validated tie and time again since the data we receive is a..

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Managing your High Rank Low Click Keywords

Back in October we announced a variation of this function and how to “Maximize your Top Ranking Keyword Performance” since then we have enhanced this functionality significantly to make it easier to identify opportunities and show the missed opportunity. The key factor of this analysis is these words are already ranking well ? in position..

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Search Marketing Data Gathering Challenges

Over the past few months we have been doing a number of pilots with our Keyword Management Suite and the biggest challenge has been to gather data. We have actually spent the better part of the last four builds to enhance the data import, cleaning and filtering functions to deal with the chaos of search..

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Current State of Keyword Management

  They current state of Keyword Data Management has not improved much over the years.?? Back Azimuth has recently completed a survey of various sized companies about how they manage their greatest search marketing asset – keywords.?? Some of the results are what you would expect but others are pretty interesting.? If you want to..

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